It's been a pleasantly busy fall at
Basil Twist's. We finished the build (so! Many! Tentacles!) and the musical (
The Addams Family) will be opening this month in Chicago, and on Broadway this spring.
I really wish I had pics for you, but I don't!
But what I do have for you are pics from what I do when I'm not animatin' and a puppet-tin'. I finally got around to scanning some of my old Six Flags photos, and I've a few more recent mascot shots as well.
New stuff!

I was too psyched to learn that this was the
actual (well, secondary, but still!) Plex suit from the show. :-3 We had a great time at the Macy's Parade Press day. (And as soon as I find footage from it...!)

Miffy at the Natural History Museum Halloween show. First time in an inflatable costume. (Gotta confess, I'm not a fan of the inflatable. It felt like I was in a giant marshmallow the whole time, and I was really unsatisfied with how hard it was for me to interact with the kids. But the client and kids were awesome, and it was still a pretty great time all around!)

ROSITA SMASH!!!! Man... this very nearly ended in tragedy. (It's a great story, but not for the web). Have I mentioned that I love Sesame Street? And all things Muppetty? I feel like I was
just too big for her- I'm not that tall, but I have long limbs that love to throw everything off. DX It was short, but kind of epic.

The Stork and I have a great working relationship. This is back from our first time in June, at some big deal high school football-dealy at Rutgers. I really, really wish I had some shots from ad week.
Classic plush

Remember my weird proportions? I had to campaign for YEARS to get any Daffy time. It was a bit maddening. I was the shortest regular rotation Bugs (Seriously? You can ALWAYS tell when it's me since the ankles pool). I was shorter than most of the regular Daffy's. But partially since I went into a lot of "Tall" characters I was technically too short for or just barely fit everyone was convinced I was taller than I am. So when I was finally able to do Daffy I... went a little nuts. ^__^;; What can I say? The Duck is AWESOME, and so much fun to work in.

Yea... apparently I was "too tall" for Lola, too.This was from the Philadelphia Mascot Parade years and years ago.